My walk with Professor Xavier has allotted me various experiences. The most important of them is what we can learn from humans. While there are no perfect humans (or mutants) there are indeed those that strive for ultimate goodness, who work hard to make the right choices, who work hard to live out the inherent divinity that connects us all. And we are all connected. Mutant and human. Friend and Foe. We are all connected.
It was only until I considered blogging my experiences that I paid attention to how important it is to get past the petty differences that separate our species. I am still mutant - and humans irritate me to no end. They fuck aimlessly, bicker without cause, pledge allegiance to things that they know very little about, hurt without regard, blaspheme themselves and the Omnipresent One and do it all in the name of youth or self-interest or "keeping it real". These humans sicken me.
Even in knowing that, I have surrounded myself with a small number of humans. They inspire me. So much in fact, that I have removed myself from using them for various research and have allowed myself to just be myself in their company. I have drank their beer and have danced to their music. I have laughed at their jokes and mourned with them in their sadness. I have celebrated their achievements and have been surprised that they celebrate me as well. I have been a source of wisdom and jovial good humor to them. I have been a source of irritation to them all my own. But, what is most fascinating to me about them, is that in spite of my flaws - they still call me Friend. They reciprocate my love for them sometimes with more tenacity and passion than I know to give them. It quickens humility in me.
Mutants have not learned to trust that easily. Not amongst each other. We are constantly worried about what others will think when we peel back the layers and show them who we really are. We fear being true to ourselves so we position ourselves into a source of reverence or terror. It's exhausting work. Spending so much time projecting such an image when we want to just let down our guards and be ourselves. Exhausting. To walk through this world feeling like no one will ever "get" us. I am tired of being tired. Though mutant and something more extraordinary than I could have ever asked for as phoenix - I can only be me. I can only believe that who I am will be more than enough for those that I call friend. I can only warn that it would be devastating to those that would desire to enter into my circle under false pretenses - it will mean sudden death under my Phoenix Force.
Uniquely divine creatures. While they do not possess the "X" gene, they do possess a knowledge and understanding that can be beneficial to all mutants.
They seem to live by the code: Be yourself. Do you. Without shame.
Wise words. I extend them to you, Fellow Mutants. I receive them for myself.
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